Increase your effectiveness

Put your skills to work through play

Gain more people RELATIONSHIP power

Know the assumptions you make

Leverage the group to gain more understanding

Capitalize on STEADY favorable attitudes in the
midst of ambiguity and uncertainty

Align your work, life or family experiences


Leadership Development Transitions

This field trip expedition incorporates sites, scenes and scenarios that PUSH your leadership life forward.  

We visit a series of places that use your senses within Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn NY designed explicitly for leaders transitioning into their present future. Whether you come alone or with your team we are prepared to show you what is necessary but difficult, courageous, crucial and challenging conversations that are often a part of a needed change.

We help you with the discomfort, show you ways to increase your creative capacity. Assess and strengthen the diversity of options you may have for innovative outcomes that align with your best self.

Leaders at Play Team Building

Enhance organization effectiveness through team building with rapid, accurate organization and systems to support new and failing teams. 

Our field trips use an experience play ground to help you to correct your course. We deliver maximum impact on changing organizational structures and long term project challenges around while in the thick of it. 



Problem Solving

Even when your intent is correct and your feelings are ideal, flawed execution or behavioral shortfalls, can result in abysmal failure. That is why nature imbues children with the spontaneity of “play”. Play is nature’s way of trying out different conative strategies that build relationships, engender self-knowledge, instill skillfulness, and maximize success.


Problem Solving Skills by Playscapes

Determine how to look at problem solving as a game.  Learn about the assumptions you make when you face a challenge and what it becomes when you see work really as play. Gather new tools in the field playgrounds of Dr. Banks. You will be taught how to use what inspires you to move through the problem particularly in the face of ambiguity and uncertainty.

Leaders at Play Retreats

We offer you a new lens to look at your leadership and what it is giving you and costing you. Then we give you the skills to fix it or manage the swings better. We visit a series of places within a few hours in Manhattan and Brooklyn NY pre-scheduled for individuals, work groups, gathering communities and teams to really learn how to get to what they need to do and become to reach their goals.  



Leaders at Play Stress in the Workplace

Everyone needs a few hours of play designed to do one thing – relieve stress. Tap into authentic fun filled mindfulness and centered approaches to a better led life designed to meet your current and specific business needs and professional goals. Use play to emancipate your stress and give you more brain space for your imagination. You will solve problems better once your stress is emancipated. We do the scheduling and booking of your full experience. Imagine that! 


We offer a profile to determine where you are in terms of balancing your strengths and challenges that are distracting you from seizing your advantages and making the most of the current career situation you find yourself in. 

Leaders at Play Diversity and Inclusion

Work intersects and so must adaptive thinking.  Play up those traits, ideas, values and beliefs of successful relationships and communities that make impossible goals reachable.  Everyone is important and all thoughts impact how people show up in their work environment.

We design experiences that can actually change how we work, live and play in our diverse world.  Our tools engage and ignite an entirely new tilt on working toward more people success in a diverse work world. We offer experience-based exercises that transform what you believe and how you engage those beliefs and assumptions in your decisions at your work place.

We know the leaders journey toward noticing to understand increases racial, cultural, gender and religious tolerance, trust and team alignment.  We have determined that most organizations growth has resulted in a number of courageous and necessary changes. Many well choreographed conversations are impacting the adaptive and productive ways peers and associates measure their performance success.


